Sunday, September 18, 2011

I am going to miss Reb Zelik terribly. He came into my family’s life when my (now 17-year-old) son, Michael, was preparing for his Bar Mitzvah. Reb Zelik came to speak to Michael’s Bar Mitzvah class about what happened to him during the Holocaust and the experience affected Michael deeply. Michael wrote a very heartfelt note about the experience, which was later republished in a Chabad newsletter. 
Seeing Reb Zelik at services on Saturdays and Sundays became a touchstone for me. He had a spirit and sense of humor that seemed almost impossible for a man his age, a man that had been through what he had been through. Whenever my mother would see him at services when she would come up from North Carolina he would do a little dance with her. I hope that Michael and I can take a part of Reb Zelik through life with us.
Rob Resnick

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